Ju An Hsieh


生於南投,畢業自荷蘭阿姆斯特丹 Gerrit Rietveld Academie,常以攝影、錄像及聲音設計等媒材創作。近年作品專注於人和自然的多重關係,其創作靈感常取自植物科學及自然崇拜的精神文化。於2021年在阿姆斯特丹次舉辦個展《樹洞》,透過沈浸式錄像作品來紀錄阿姆斯特丹的行道樹周遭的城市環境音,模擬樹聆聽的可能性,延伸討論植物的感官能力、樹聯網(WWW)學說。

 Email 𓃥 xia.di.aa@gmail.com 

Ju An Hsieh

Born in Nantou and graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, ze often works with media such as photography, video, and sound design. Hsieh’s recent works focus on the intricate relationships between humans and nature, often drawing inspiration from plant science and the spiritual culture of nature worship.
In 2021, ze held zir first solo exhibition, "Tree Hole," in Amsterdam, where ze created an immersive video installation that documented the street trees of Amsterdam and the ambient sounds of the urban environment. The work simulated the possibility of trees "listening" and explored the sensory capabilities of plants and the Wood Wide Web theory.