Ju An Hsieh






「島」 是在日本屋久島開始的攝影計畫,藝術家使用傳統的中片幅底片,在屋久島的山岳之間進行拍攝,利用影像的實驗拼貼、反覆破壞再重建的手法來詮釋原始森林神秘、空靈且深具詩意的空間和氛圍。這個計畫始於2024年的夏季,預計在未來逐步製作成一本完整的攝影書。

"Island" is a photography project that started on Yakushima Island, Japan. The artist uses traditional medium format film to capture images among the mountains of Yakushima. By employing experimental collage and double exposure techniques, the artist interprets the mystical, ethereal, and deeply poetic spaces and atmosphere of the primeval forest. This project began in the summer of 2024 and is planned to be gradually developed into a complete photography book over the next ten years.