Ju An Hsieh

我時常想像另類感知時間的方式, 當人們走進森林和山岳,看見的樹木、石頭及河流,它們之於時間的關係與人類相異。在作品中,我試著將時間視為材料進行編織,並彙集植物世界裡的光影或聲響。「影之聲」 作品完成於2024年日本Arts Itoya駐村期間,其影像與環境音皆取材自佐賀縣的神社和山野。

I often imagine alternative ways of perceiving time. When people go into forests and mountains, the trees, stones, and rivers experience time differently from humans. This inspires me to depict their unique aspect across different times and seasons, using "time" as a material to weave together the light, shadows, and sounds of the plant world, creating a space for spiritual dialogue guided by plants.

"Song of Shadows" was published during my residency at Arts Itoya in Japan in 2024. The images
and environmental sounds were sourced from various shrines and mountains in Saga Prefecture.