Ju An Hsieh

「樹洞」 創作計畫的靈感源自於科學家大衛・哈斯克的著作《樹之歌》 他於書中描述都市中的樹木用非同於人類的方式去接受噪音污染,並反應在其生長速度與健康上。以哈斯克的學說為基礎,2021年謝茹安在阿姆斯特丹進行了為期數個月的田野踏查,紀錄城市中的行道樹身處的環境與噪音情況。最終,以沈浸式的錄像裝置來詮釋樹木的城市聆聽經驗,讓觀眾以不同於常的角度、尺度來觀看樹木、想像樹木與日常聲音的關係。

Tree Hole is a project that relates to Ju-An Hsieh's artistic research on plant rights. This project has been inspired by an experiment conducted by the biologist David Haskell. In his book "The Songs of Trees" (2017), Haskell discusses his practice of listening to trees in Manhattan and discovers that their growth has been impacted by noise pollution, which can have detrimental effects on their health.

On the basis of Haskell's research, Ju-An spent three months recording ambient sounds in the city of Amsterdam and created an audio-visual instal- lation that recreates the auditory perception of urban trees in an immersive space of imagery.