Ju An Hsieh

MorePlants 是一項以「植物權益」 為核心概念的計畫,由藝術家謝茹安和顏依涵共同策劃與執行。透過多項展覽及工作坊,邀請觀眾一同探索植物權的內涵與其發展性。此計畫在2022年和荷蘭萊頓植物園及萊頓歐洲科學之城團隊合作展出。

其中一項展出作品為 「植物的性愛」 聲音裝置,由謝茹安、Rick Haring及多位創作者共同製作。藝術家以公開徵件的方式向大眾徵集以植物性愛為題寫的短詩,後將詩文結合聲音設計,以詩歌的型態結合戶外裝置發表,由此和觀眾分享植物的奇異生命形態。

‘More Plants’ was a project with the concept of ‘Plant Rights’ at its core, exploring the connotations of Plant Rights and its evolving nature with a wide audience through exhibitions and workshops. The project was co-curated by Ju-An Hsieh and Yi Han Yang, and it was presented in collabora- tion with the Hortus Botanicus Leiden in the Netherlands.

One of the works featured in the programme was a sound installation entitled ‘The Sex Life of Plants’, co-created by Ju-An and Rick Haring. The artists invited the public to participate through an open call for poetry submissions on the theme of plant sex. Afterwards, the poems were com- bined with sound design to create the installation.

Poem: Hsiang-Yun Huang
Vocal: Luca Penning
Sound design: Ju An Hsieh
Mix: Rick Haring

Poem: Luca Penning
Vocal: Luca Penning
Sound design: Ju An Hsieh
Mix: Rick Haring